Western Shoreline

The Western Shoreline, located west of the Onondaga Lake Visitors Center in Geddes, is being covered and vegetated, and wetlands have been established in low-lying areas. Creating an environment where habitat can thrive became a major focus of Onondaga Lake’s remediation and restoration – especially in areas that had diminished over several decades.

At the Western Shoreline, approximately 70,000 native plants have been planted in 30 acres to improve habitat. Approximately 10 acres of wetlands have been created or restored along the shoreline to support shorebird and amphibian habitats. To date, more than 80 varieties of birds, amphibians, reptiles and other species have returned to the area.

The habitat restoration along the western shoreline is visible to community members from the county’s Onondaga Lake West Shore Trail extension, which opened in 2014.

For more news about this cleanup area, click here.