
"It is amazing that this opportunity for Honeywell Institute for Ecosystems Education is here for Audubon to embrace Onondaga Lake as an Important Bird Area," said Audubon New York Director of Bird Conservation Jillian Liner. "It's very exciting and a chance for Onondaga Lake to embrace its habitat."

“It is amazing that this opportunity for Honeywell Institute for Ecosystems Education is here for Audubon to embrace Onondaga Lake as an Important Bird Area,” said Audubon New York Director of Bird Conservation Jillian Liner. “It’s very exciting and a chance for Onondaga Lake to embrace its habitat.”

“It is amazing that this opportunity for Honeywell Institute for Ecosystems Education is here for Audubon to embrace Onondaga Lake as an Important Bird Area,” said Audubon New York Director of Bird Conservation Jillian Liner. “It’s very exciting and a chance for Onondaga Lake to embrace its habitat.”